Showing posts with label Blaine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blaine. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Been a long while since I put anything on here.

Have not posted to Blogger in a while.  Been a busy summer of taking pictures of City events and trying some new techniques.  Below is just a few I have taken.
Wheat and corn field converge.

Grain pods

Perfect growing day

Milky Way over Third Silver Lake
Officer Michelle Moore talking with kids at Night 2 Unite.

For me!!??!!??

And go....

Getting up to speed for the bike leg

All the right gear

Home stretch

And your winner is.

Monday, July 15, 2013

2 Things Challenge: Hot/Crack

This past week, I photographed the two-day Blaine Safety Camp.  The camp is for kids going into fourth grade and teaches them about being safe around fire, electricity, the internet, and many other things.  It is a fun event for the kids, and even some of us adults.  It also affords me an opportunity to work on my 2 Things Challenge.

Connexus Energy brings out their demonstration trailer to show the kids the dangers of electricity.  One of the more stunning displays involves one of the presenters intentionally putting a CRACK in a lineman's glove and then putting a hot dog at the end of their stick, in the glove, to simulate a finger.  After the glove pulls away from the power line, the ensuing arc makes the inside of the glove so HOT, it burns the hot dog inside and out.